Wednesday, 9 January 2008


The text analysed is a film poster of I AM LEGEND, the function of this poster is order to advertise the film and persuade the target audience to go and watch the film. the poster should be able to attract a wide audience range and allow people to perceive it in different ways.

Firstly, The Protagonist, Will Smith's name is stated on the top of the poster, which is the first thing you would see, this allows people to relate the film to Will smith, and he is known to do action films and have been very popular because of him.Will smith's preferred genre to see him in would either be comedy or action. I am legend is seen as a very serious film situated around action, what will smith is best known for. His target audience can range from late teens to 40+ as he is so well known for the many types of programmes and films he has featured in and produced himself.

Furthermore, The typography of the film poster is heavy and bulky. the font enlarges as it goes down on the poster, this builds up some sort of narrative. The word alone is almost a climax, of the whole poster, becuase the word "alone" is emphasised heavily, but the use of the word "not" right before it changes the storyline, making it seem like he's not alone, even though he has no one or nothing with him on the poster.the ideology behind the whole poster is extremely patriarchal, even though the colours are not directly masculine, the typography shows that it is heavily orientated around men, and is made for men to view and enjoy.

Moreover, The skyline in the background is made up of New york city, this enables the audience to set the scene where the story will be introduced and work around. Even though the copy states "the world" the setting will strongly be around New York City. The narrative sets around Will Smith and most probably is in New York. Will Smith is standing in the centre of all of this. the New york skyline is used because the audience can easily recognize this and understand the concept of the film.the way will smith is postioned and the background sets out the narrativeWill smith seems like he has either just accomplished something or is going on a mission, but the fact that he is walking out of new york city gives it a more indepth narrative within the poster.

Will smith is wearing a pair of jeans, a top and a jacket, alongside a bag. it is very casual making him seem very ordinary.this helps the imagination f the audience float abit, because his appearance isn't unreal so th efilm's narrative can seem more real to the audience.he is represented as an normal individual of the general public, allowing the audience to also make comparisons between them.As the primary audience is made up of males, it allows them to view themselves as will smith, as an object of their imagination.this allows some sort of narcissistic pleasure becuase they are able to feel good about themselves, as they follow through the narrative.the narrative will unfold into many action follows dawn of the dead, in a way that the people are dead but still alive.a disease spreads which is incurable but was actually supposed to cure cancer.3 years later Will's character is probably the only human alive, but he isn't alone becuase the dead are now mutant evils, who are waiting for him. If the individuals within the audience are able to imagine themselves in his position they will feel a sense of accomplishment and great power.

the title of the film is only featured in the website address n the bottom right hand corner. it is not feautured anywhere else on the poster. This is because the film has already had enough exposure that people now directly relate will smith or the quote on the poster to the film. Will smith's name is right at the top sot hte audience can realise its either a comedy or an action film. the rest of the quote enables the audience to realise it is not a comedy. the genre is clearly noticeable especially because of the actor.

this poster is carefully and concisely put together to represent i am legend as a serious yet extremely interesting film, and it clearly advertises the film persuading individuals to go and watch it

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