Firstly, The colour scheme throughout the advert follows all shades of pinks, reds and whites.The background is pain white, allowing a dream-like feature, or a blank canvas allowing imagination to be portrayed.All the real apples are "apple red" almost unreal to have every apple the right and perfect colour.The model in the centre of the advertisement is wearing a large, pink,feminine dress, with its flowing material again adds to the dream like essence.all these colours represent femininity, which gives the perception of perfect girls and women, all pink and girly.The genre of this advert is hard to catergorize as it falls into quite a few,feminine and beauty to name two. The genre is quite diverse allowing the audience to perceive it how they want to.it can also have a fairytale genre, allowing some sort of narrative to follow even though it is a still image, it convey's a lot.
Furthermore, The dress worn by the model is light pink representing femininity, it flows around and is quite large making her seem like a fairytale princess, who has everything, beauty, happiness etc. It is very traditional and stereotypical of a princess to be conveyed in this way.this is so the audience is able to recognise the values and ideology of the advert straight away. it has a very feminine ideology allowing everything to be beautiful and perfect, alongside this is connects with a typical fairytale and has the essence of a few fairytales put together. The consumer is able to relate to the female as they see themselves in her position and wanting the perfume.the ideal consumer for this advert(bearing in mind the advert is featured in GLAMOUR) would have to be 19-39 females ranging from socio-economic groups of A to D.females from socio economic group E are not seen buying glamour becuase they are either students, pensioners or unemployed.these women don't particularly fall in to the category because at most they probably dont read glamour, but also some may not be able to personally afford the perfume itself, so it would be pointless to target them with this subject.
Moreover, The models hair is quite long, blonde, and wavy/curly.a stereotypical view of a Princess.in many storiesin the past princesses would have long dreamy hair.the values behind this image is to push the fairytale ideology onto the audience.the stereotype is used in order for the audience to clearly understand the motive behind the image used. The image links to many fairytales and stories.Alice in wonderland is one of them, where alice is able to dwell in many adventures.this can also proceed into Narnia, the lion the witch and the wardrobe.the room behind has many apples in it, but she leaves that room and enters the next room with a silver tree and one apple, the perfume. The story is being built up through the background and foreground of the image. the model can be perceived as 'alice'walking through each room and being faced with an adventure or challenge.taking the audience back to their childhood, it allows to refresh many memories,especially the love for fairytales, bringing back the young girl into the 20+ woman.
The perfume bottle itself is in the foreground, placed in the top right hand corner.it is supposed to be hangin from the silver tree but almost looks like its floating in mid air. A phallic symbol is always upright and sometimes possibly sharp, however this bottle is almost the total opposite allowing the consumer relate it to women,how a phallic symbol is related to men. 'alice' is seen surrounded by apples, everywhere but seems to be infactuated by the floating apple bottle. Another story the advert relates to is Adam and Eve.the Nina ricci bottle acts like the forbidden apple, but also shows that the female is surrounded by apples but seems to want this one. The audience can understand this situation and see the resemblence to the forbidden apple and the perfume bottle, because of the agerange, they are old and mature enough to understand the story and see it has been adopted within this advert to have a persuasive approach. 'alice' wants the forbidden apple, and so does the consumer.
Finally, The advert uses sans serif font, giving the writing a more formal approach and look."NINA" is given a handwriting look, making the advert seem more personal.NINA RICCI below that, is in capitals and all the writing is in black, making it stand out against the white background.Alongside the advert is a little puff which states the perfume as "the new magical fragrance". The word magical allows the audience to relate the word to the narrative which seems to be prevailed within the picture.magical makes the whole image seem unreal and an image of the imagination, but gives hope within the individuals of the audience to believe they once wanted to be a 'alice in wonderland'
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