Checkpoint 1: what the difference between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie?
Bourgeoisie are owners and own the means of the production. There are 2 types of bourgeoisie, the wealthy and the petty. The wealthy bourgeoisie are the owners who employ the proletariat (working class subordinates) and do not need to work themselves. This could be for example starting a whole business and growing and expanding enough so that you don’t really need to work anymore e.g. Alan sugar. The petty bourgeoisie are the owners who still employ the proletariat but do also work themselves.
Checkpoint 2: What is the difference between the ISA and the RSA?
The ISA stands for the ideological state apparatuses which is the apparatus which passes downs ideologies and values but subconsciously to the audience. For example religion education etc they all pass down values which are accepted and always believed to be right
The RSA stands for the repressive state apparatuses. These apparatuses which also send down ideologies and values but more through authority like the police. so these are seen as rules and regulations more than true values of an individual like an ISA would make you believe.
How much of a Marxist am I?
I believe I am partially a Marxist because I believe all his ideologies and values. We do have bourgeoisie and proletariats within our society and they are being exploited. The bourgeoisie are maximising profit by employing the proletariat who are willing to work for a small amount. Also with the media, I’m certain the media dumb down some of their information to generate mass audiences. They totally advertise the bourgeoisie-proletariat ideology. Even though we may not like it, its reality and Marx was right.
Cable girl
Lucy ManganTuesday October 23, 2007The Guardian
Jordan - or Katie Price as she prefers to be known this week - is going to have her boobs reduced and put the retired implants on eBay. She will, lest anyone be perturbed by intimations of bad taste, be giving a percentage of the money raised to charity.
"How much?" says her husband Peter Andre, as they ride in a cab to a recording of their chatshow-incorporating-behind-the-scenes-scenes-of-making-a-chatshow, Katie and Peter Unleashed? "A percentage," replies Katie, whose face whenever money is mentioned takes on the still, unblinking look of Hannibal Lector catching the scent of a nearby steak tartar.
"How much?" persists Peter, leaping nimbly across the line that separates the courageous from the, like, majorly foolhardy. "A Percentage," his wife responds before biting through his skull to get at what one must assume is a very soft centre indeed.
As if advance knowledge of the chance to purchase a vital piece of mammarian history were not reason enough for tuning in to the Andres' latest effort to colonise ITV2, there was also a searching interview with a Sugar Doll ("Have you had any surgery?" "No." "You absolute bitch.") and an appearance by Emma Griffiths and Matt Willis, before which Peter had to subdue some wild emotions surging in his own breast. Matt, you see, had once enjoyed a dalliance with Pete's beloved. Mrs. Andre soothed her parfit, gentil orange knight. "It was before you, though, Pete," she said kindly. "And we won't bring up who you've shagged, knobbed, licked, will we?"
Thus appeased, Pete went on with the show, drawing some comfort from being allowed to judge the Natural Knockers versus Bogus Boobs competition with which the show - mercifully for all those wraith-like figures responsible for putting it together and training Katie to evince a semblance of interest in her guests by waving fistfuls of fivers behind their heads - ended. I have seen the future, and it is a giant silicon implant pressing on the human face forever.
I just think Katie price and peter André are absolutely pathetic. They are always seeking attention whatever way they can. Whether it’s their marriage or life or taking part in a reality TV show. And now Katie wants to sell her fake boobs online, anything for money I believe. Whoever buys them would be the saddest person in the universe. LOL. I picked this story because it shows how attention seeking celebrities can be and then they make songs and publish stories and books about how the paparazzi don’t leave them alone, another attention seeking stunt. People like Britney spears who totally ‘believes’ she should have her privacy goes out gets drunk and marries people for 5 hours, and people like Jodie marsh, are unbelievable. She sets up a reality TV show to find a husband. The media may twist certain things and representation people in a negative light, but some people do that all them selves.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Monday, 15 October 2007
my silly roleplay about globalistaion
T.I and wentworth miller ( :P ) are having an intellectual discussion about globalisation within the media and what affects it has.
T.I: globalisation has had major affect on our consumer choice of media. not only does it happen in media but also in our shopping choice etc
W.M: but whats wrong with globalisation? so what if someones making millions out of what they do.their called entrepeneurs....
T.I: but this affects our choice because we only have a choice of what they want us to have. for example murdoch owns 40% of newspapers which puts his views across the majority of newspapers. Murdoch follows a hegemonic ideology where he believes the public is passive and will believe what he prints without questioning it.
W.M: but every individual can think for themselves, if murdoch is trying to force his opinions on us it won't work because we all have our own opinions.Murdoch can try and make britney look like a complete lunatic but every individual knows that she is not what the media represents her as, she is loved by many people around the world.
T.I: cmon miller listen to what youre saying. its like the hypodermic needle model, everyone is fed ideas through the news because it is a trusted source.look at what bush has donein america.he's frightened citizens believin that all black men are bad using the news in particular becuase they always focus on the bad things happening. alot of people in the america are genuinely frightend of black men in particualr all becuase of the negative news coverage. its the same with the war.bush has the power to make the news shows show the U.S things so negative about the middle east so people support his decision with the war.
W.M: ok i believe that we have a hegemonic ideology within the media, but i don't believe that the audience is passive what so ever.we all makeup our own minds and we all have our own opinions that won't change. even if the media said T.I is an alchoholic i won't believe that because i know you and i know your not an alcholoic.
T.I: yeah but if the media broadcasts that many people that don't ACTUALLY know me would believe it. these monolopoies have restricted our choice and don't allow diversity
T.I: globalisation has had major affect on our consumer choice of media. not only does it happen in media but also in our shopping choice etc
W.M: but whats wrong with globalisation? so what if someones making millions out of what they do.their called entrepeneurs....
T.I: but this affects our choice because we only have a choice of what they want us to have. for example murdoch owns 40% of newspapers which puts his views across the majority of newspapers. Murdoch follows a hegemonic ideology where he believes the public is passive and will believe what he prints without questioning it.
W.M: but every individual can think for themselves, if murdoch is trying to force his opinions on us it won't work because we all have our own opinions.Murdoch can try and make britney look like a complete lunatic but every individual knows that she is not what the media represents her as, she is loved by many people around the world.
T.I: cmon miller listen to what youre saying. its like the hypodermic needle model, everyone is fed ideas through the news because it is a trusted source.look at what bush has donein america.he's frightened citizens believin that all black men are bad using the news in particular becuase they always focus on the bad things happening. alot of people in the america are genuinely frightend of black men in particualr all becuase of the negative news coverage. its the same with the war.bush has the power to make the news shows show the U.S things so negative about the middle east so people support his decision with the war.
W.M: ok i believe that we have a hegemonic ideology within the media, but i don't believe that the audience is passive what so ever.we all makeup our own minds and we all have our own opinions that won't change. even if the media said T.I is an alchoholic i won't believe that because i know you and i know your not an alcholoic.
T.I: yeah but if the media broadcasts that many people that don't ACTUALLY know me would believe it. these monolopoies have restricted our choice and don't allow diversity
Fury at MacKenzie's Scots attack (Tara Conlan) (Friday October 12, 2007)
The BBC has received around 200 complaints following Sun columnist Kelvin Mackenzie’s attack on the Scottish on Question Time last night. Mr. MacKenzie appeared on the panel of the BBC1 current affairs discussion show and accused Scots of enjoying spending money but not creating it.
He made the comments during an attack on Prime Minister Gordon Brown. "Brown is a Scot. He is a socialist Scot who wants to spend every single penny you earn, never forget that," Mr. MacKenzie said. "Scotland believes not in entrepreneurialism like London and the south east," he added. "[Mr. Brown] couldn't find anyone who would carry his bag better than another Scot so he grabbed [Alistair] Darling from wherever he was. "The reality is that the Scots enjoy spending it, they don't enjoy creating it, which is the opposite of down in the south."
Today, Scottish businessman and Dragons' Den judge Duncan Bannatyne told the BBC: "Mackenzie’s comments were an attack on the character of the Scottish people." "I think Kelvin Mackenzie is a raving lunatic, I think he's a complete idiot and a racist idiot at that. "There are some phenomenal Scottish entrepreneurs, I could name so many. There's Sir Tom Hunter, Brian Souter, Sir Tom Farmer, you could go on and on, there are many of us."
It is the second time in a year that Mr. MacKenzie has caused complaints because of his comments on Question Time. In January, the former Sun editor confirmed publicly he was not sorry for his paper's coverage of the Hillsborough disaster, but admitted that he was not sure all of the claims made were true. He is still unpopular in the Liverpool region due to the coverage the Sun gave the Hillsborough disaster when he was editor. After the 1989 disaster in which 96 Liverpool fans died, the Sun alleged, under the front-page headline "The Truth” that other Liverpool fans had urinated on police and robbed victims. The Sun lost 200,000 sales in a week, and its reputation on Merseyside has never fully recovered.
I chose this story because it highlights racist situations within society, some people may believe that racism happens between different colors, but this contradicts that and shows that racism comes in many forms. It is totally relevant to what happens within society everyday, but instead this is broadcasted on live TV. The sun is owned by Rupert Murdoch which makes it extremely opinionated, so I believe that former sun editor was heavily influenced by Murdoch and has actually started to believe what he was told to write. I believe Mackenzie has completely generalized and has no true evidence of whether Scottish people make money or use anyone else; he has completely misjudged and tried to push his views onto the public. Maybe he is a FORMER sun editor for a reason…
The BBC has received around 200 complaints following Sun columnist Kelvin Mackenzie’s attack on the Scottish on Question Time last night. Mr. MacKenzie appeared on the panel of the BBC1 current affairs discussion show and accused Scots of enjoying spending money but not creating it.
He made the comments during an attack on Prime Minister Gordon Brown. "Brown is a Scot. He is a socialist Scot who wants to spend every single penny you earn, never forget that," Mr. MacKenzie said. "Scotland believes not in entrepreneurialism like London and the south east," he added. "[Mr. Brown] couldn't find anyone who would carry his bag better than another Scot so he grabbed [Alistair] Darling from wherever he was. "The reality is that the Scots enjoy spending it, they don't enjoy creating it, which is the opposite of down in the south."
Today, Scottish businessman and Dragons' Den judge Duncan Bannatyne told the BBC: "Mackenzie’s comments were an attack on the character of the Scottish people." "I think Kelvin Mackenzie is a raving lunatic, I think he's a complete idiot and a racist idiot at that. "There are some phenomenal Scottish entrepreneurs, I could name so many. There's Sir Tom Hunter, Brian Souter, Sir Tom Farmer, you could go on and on, there are many of us."
It is the second time in a year that Mr. MacKenzie has caused complaints because of his comments on Question Time. In January, the former Sun editor confirmed publicly he was not sorry for his paper's coverage of the Hillsborough disaster, but admitted that he was not sure all of the claims made were true. He is still unpopular in the Liverpool region due to the coverage the Sun gave the Hillsborough disaster when he was editor. After the 1989 disaster in which 96 Liverpool fans died, the Sun alleged, under the front-page headline "The Truth” that other Liverpool fans had urinated on police and robbed victims. The Sun lost 200,000 sales in a week, and its reputation on Merseyside has never fully recovered.
I chose this story because it highlights racist situations within society, some people may believe that racism happens between different colors, but this contradicts that and shows that racism comes in many forms. It is totally relevant to what happens within society everyday, but instead this is broadcasted on live TV. The sun is owned by Rupert Murdoch which makes it extremely opinionated, so I believe that former sun editor was heavily influenced by Murdoch and has actually started to believe what he was told to write. I believe Mackenzie has completely generalized and has no true evidence of whether Scottish people make money or use anyone else; he has completely misjudged and tried to push his views onto the public. Maybe he is a FORMER sun editor for a reason…
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
In March 2005, Viacom (now known as CBS) made plans to divide the company into two different companies.
There were two reasons for this:
1) The company was dealing with a decline in their share price
2) Rivalry between Leslie Moonves and Tom Freston, longtime heads of NOW CBS and MTV Networks) was creating conflict at work.
This is what happened to the company:
After the departure of Mel Karmazin in 2004, Redstone, who served as chairman, decided to split the offices between Moonves and Freston.Moonves - The original Viacom changed its name to CBS Corporation. It now includes Viacom's "slow growth businesses", namely The CW , CBS Radio, Simon & Schuster, CBS Outdoor, Showtime, CBS Records, CBS Paramount Television and most television production assets.Freston - A new company, the present Viacom, was created. It is comprised of MTV Networks, BET Networks, Paramount's movie studio, and Paramount Pictures' home entertainment operations. These businesses are categorised as the "high-growth businesses" (MTV Networks and BET Networks in particular).
By splitting into different companies, Viacom is able to infuse capital from these "high growth" business allowing future expansion.Sumner Redstone still controls 71% of the voting stock of both companies and is the chairman of both companies.
2005:*Neopets - virtual pet website*Paramount and Dreamworks
2006:*Atom entertainment*Global Broadcast news to form Viacom 18(JV) -India
Viacom connects with our diverse audiences everywhere they are. As a leading global entertainment content company, we know what our viewers want and proudly deliver it across the globe through television, motion pictures and a wide range of digital media. Our family of prominent and respected brands includes the multiplatform properties of MTV Networks, BET Networks, Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Entertainment and DreamWorks. MTV Networks includes favorites like MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, and Nick at Nite, COMEDY CENTRAL, and CMT: Country Music Television, Spike TV, TV Land, Logo and more than 137 networks around the world. In addition, digital assets such as Neopets, Xfire, Atom Entertainment, Harmonix and Quizilla offer compelling and interactive content, providing an even deeper connection with our devoted and focused demographics. BET Networks presents the best in Black media and entertainment featuring traditional and digital platforms. Brands including BET, BET J, BET Gospel, BET Hip Hop,, BET Mobile, BET Event Productions and BET International deliver relevant and insightful content to consumers of Black culture in more than 84 million households. And with Paramount Pictures Corporation, audiences have access to a huge library of top films through brands like Paramount Pictures, Paramount Vantage, MTV Films, Nickelodeon Movies, DreamWorks and Paramount Home Entertainment. Fueled by our world-class brands, Viacom serves an ever-growing population of kids, tweens, teens and adults who want their favorite media and entertainment, 24/7.
It was known as CBS Corporation before 2006 (1971-2005).It is a multinational company because it has smaller institutions in many other countries.
Viacom has horizontal integration because they own film production and distributions, lots of TV networks, which eventually show the films sometimes. They have a lot of internet sites which consists of games, official websites for TV shows etc.
Vishna copy n paste da oange bit on 2 ur blog lol
x x x
There were two reasons for this:
1) The company was dealing with a decline in their share price
2) Rivalry between Leslie Moonves and Tom Freston, longtime heads of NOW CBS and MTV Networks) was creating conflict at work.
This is what happened to the company:
After the departure of Mel Karmazin in 2004, Redstone, who served as chairman, decided to split the offices between Moonves and Freston.Moonves - The original Viacom changed its name to CBS Corporation. It now includes Viacom's "slow growth businesses", namely The CW , CBS Radio, Simon & Schuster, CBS Outdoor, Showtime, CBS Records, CBS Paramount Television and most television production assets.Freston - A new company, the present Viacom, was created. It is comprised of MTV Networks, BET Networks, Paramount's movie studio, and Paramount Pictures' home entertainment operations. These businesses are categorised as the "high-growth businesses" (MTV Networks and BET Networks in particular).
By splitting into different companies, Viacom is able to infuse capital from these "high growth" business allowing future expansion.Sumner Redstone still controls 71% of the voting stock of both companies and is the chairman of both companies.
2005:*Neopets - virtual pet website*Paramount and Dreamworks
2006:*Atom entertainment*Global Broadcast news to form Viacom 18(JV) -India
Viacom connects with our diverse audiences everywhere they are. As a leading global entertainment content company, we know what our viewers want and proudly deliver it across the globe through television, motion pictures and a wide range of digital media. Our family of prominent and respected brands includes the multiplatform properties of MTV Networks, BET Networks, Paramount Pictures, Paramount Home Entertainment and DreamWorks. MTV Networks includes favorites like MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, and Nick at Nite, COMEDY CENTRAL, and CMT: Country Music Television, Spike TV, TV Land, Logo and more than 137 networks around the world. In addition, digital assets such as Neopets, Xfire, Atom Entertainment, Harmonix and Quizilla offer compelling and interactive content, providing an even deeper connection with our devoted and focused demographics. BET Networks presents the best in Black media and entertainment featuring traditional and digital platforms. Brands including BET, BET J, BET Gospel, BET Hip Hop,, BET Mobile, BET Event Productions and BET International deliver relevant and insightful content to consumers of Black culture in more than 84 million households. And with Paramount Pictures Corporation, audiences have access to a huge library of top films through brands like Paramount Pictures, Paramount Vantage, MTV Films, Nickelodeon Movies, DreamWorks and Paramount Home Entertainment. Fueled by our world-class brands, Viacom serves an ever-growing population of kids, tweens, teens and adults who want their favorite media and entertainment, 24/7.
It was known as CBS Corporation before 2006 (1971-2005).It is a multinational company because it has smaller institutions in many other countries.
Viacom has horizontal integration because they own film production and distributions, lots of TV networks, which eventually show the films sometimes. They have a lot of internet sites which consists of games, official websites for TV shows etc.
Vishna copy n paste da oange bit on 2 ur blog lol
x x x
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
My WeeKlY MeDiA GUArDiAn sToRy
Radio prize was all Greek to listenersChris TryhornMonday October 8,
Athens: BRMB listeners believed they were entering a competition to watch the Champions League final in the Greek capital
A Birmingham radio station has been criticised by media watchdog Ofcom for telling listeners they could win a trip to see the Champions League final in Athens - which turned out to be a Greek restaurant in the city.
Ofcom ruled that GCap-owned station BRMB had run a competition "in a manner designed to obscure the true nature of the prize" and found it guilty of a "serious breach" of its broadcasting code.
BRMB ran the competition in May this year in the week running up to the Champions League final, in which Liverpool lost to AC Milan 2-1.
The prize was described as a chance for 100 people to win "tickets to go to Athens and watch the Champions League final".
GCap said that at various points throughout the promotion clues had been given to listeners that the prize was not a trip to the Greek city of Athens.
At one point it was stated that the prize was for "Athens in Brum", while the restaurant's owner was interviewed and prize winners were advised to arrive at BRMB for 3pm on the day of the match.
These were clues that "should have alerted participants to the fact that something was amiss", GCap told Ofcom.
"GCap believed that the prize was described in good faith and while it regretted any misgivings the complainant may have as regards the given description of the prize, it wished to stress that at no time did it intend contemptuously to deceive its listeners," Ofcom said in its latest broadcast bulletin, published today.
In the report, Ofcom found that the BRMB presenter, Rick Vaughan, repeatedly gave the impression that the prize was an opportunity "to be there with me right across to Athens", also claiming, "this is our biggest prize so far".
The first "unambiguous" clue to the fact that the venue was in a restaurant in Birmingham, not Athens in Greece, was not given to listeners until May 22, seven days into the competition and the day before the match itself, Ofcom said.
BRMB's interview with the Athens restaurant manager, broadcast on May 21, was "so cryptic that listeners were still unclear about the actual venue", the regulator added.
"While Ofcom appreciates that the intention was to promote the competition in an engaging and entertaining way, we nevertheless concluded that it had been executed in a manner designed to obscure the true nature of the prize," the watchdog concluded.
The husband of one prize winner contacted Ofcom to complain. Gcap said 95 winners had "enjoyed the day's festivities", with only three individuals objecting to the location.
They had been refunded the cost of the text messages by which they had entered the competition, the company added.

A Birmingham radio station has been criticised by media watchdog Ofcom for telling listeners they could win a trip to see the Champions League final in Athens - which turned out to be a Greek restaurant in the city.
Ofcom ruled that GCap-owned station BRMB had run a competition "in a manner designed to obscure the true nature of the prize" and found it guilty of a "serious breach" of its broadcasting code.
BRMB ran the competition in May this year in the week running up to the Champions League final, in which Liverpool lost to AC Milan 2-1.
The prize was described as a chance for 100 people to win "tickets to go to Athens and watch the Champions League final".
GCap said that at various points throughout the promotion clues had been given to listeners that the prize was not a trip to the Greek city of Athens.
At one point it was stated that the prize was for "Athens in Brum", while the restaurant's owner was interviewed and prize winners were advised to arrive at BRMB for 3pm on the day of the match.
These were clues that "should have alerted participants to the fact that something was amiss", GCap told Ofcom.
"GCap believed that the prize was described in good faith and while it regretted any misgivings the complainant may have as regards the given description of the prize, it wished to stress that at no time did it intend contemptuously to deceive its listeners," Ofcom said in its latest broadcast bulletin, published today.
In the report, Ofcom found that the BRMB presenter, Rick Vaughan, repeatedly gave the impression that the prize was an opportunity "to be there with me right across to Athens", also claiming, "this is our biggest prize so far".
The first "unambiguous" clue to the fact that the venue was in a restaurant in Birmingham, not Athens in Greece, was not given to listeners until May 22, seven days into the competition and the day before the match itself, Ofcom said.
BRMB's interview with the Athens restaurant manager, broadcast on May 21, was "so cryptic that listeners were still unclear about the actual venue", the regulator added.
"While Ofcom appreciates that the intention was to promote the competition in an engaging and entertaining way, we nevertheless concluded that it had been executed in a manner designed to obscure the true nature of the prize," the watchdog concluded.
The husband of one prize winner contacted Ofcom to complain. Gcap said 95 winners had "enjoyed the day's festivities", with only three individuals objecting to the location.
They had been refunded the cost of the text messages by which they had entered the competition, the company added.
This story reminds me of the problems with blue peters competition. even though that was fixed, BRMB had stated hey would send 100 listeners to greece to watch the football match but instead happened to be a restaurant down the road.its false advertising and misrepresentation of the actual prize just so that more people enter the competition .I chose this particular article because alot of competitions these days have been misunderstood or changed by the institution that holds them and his is starting to become quite common.
I think BRMB should have s tated within their competitition guidelines that the prize was for a meal in a local restaurant and not actually say winners will receive tickets to go to athens. even thoguh BRMB wanted to sound enthusiastic and try and persuade more people to enter they should have initially stated what people were ctually going to win.
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